Saturday 14 July 2012

There is rule of Law, and there is rule of conscience. Law governs a people via threat of force and punishment, conscience governs self via moral values. I accept that no religious doctrine and no moral value can be forcibly imposed without generating conflict. Yet, they can and must be heartily defended in a just and coherent fashion. A self professed Christian cannot abide abortion, unjust war, consumerism, homossexual behaviour, polygamy, pornography and other choices that go against his/her belief. Neither can a Christian suffer to see those that do chose such paths violated or trampled in their right to chose such paths according to their conscience. A Christian must hate the "evil act" whilst loving the "misguided person". There can be no compromise. There is a fine line between defence of Faith and a tyranny of the intolerant. The latter is the most common in both religious and anti-religious groups, but even more so among anti-religious minorities.

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