Monday 23 July 2012

It is my firm belief today that, if governments were to be committed at all with the people they govern, the salaries and benefits of government officials, ministers and top management in governmental institutions should at all times be proportional to the country’s GDP. In that manner, they would grow or shrink as a function of how well the economy is flowing. If their reward is directly proportional to the performance of the country's economy, it should follow then that they would take great care to select only people of competence to occupy positions of leadership, and that a country’s leaders would police one another in order that one’s ineptitude would not affect another’s diligent work. It may also follow that the people’s perception of their leaders would improve knowing that they are as directly affected by the welfare of the nation as the regular working people. As to corruption: it would certainly endure, but the cost of it to the people would be diminished.

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