Wednesday 13 February 2013

The media goes on and on about who the likelier next pope could be. Yet, they seem to be pursuing secular criteria based on the assumption that the Church's sole objective is to gain popularity, as if spirituality were a market with religions competing for market share. Some even go to lengths developing the ludicrous idea of a “more progressive pope” and a “more democratic” Catholic Church. Again, these are worldly concerns that are not congruent with the central mission of the Church (or any serious religion, for that matter). Pity there are so few who understand this. Though there is certainly a desire to reach out and communicate with modern society, it has to be said that the Catholic Faith will not adapt to the times in the way that is coveted by the Church’s most stalwart critics. By nature and precept, it cannot. What’s more, not even a pope has the autonomy to do it. Try to think of it this way: the Truth that has been revealed and that is guarded by the Church addresses human nature, and human nature is not as mutable as is social convenience or politics. Even after thousands of years of history, social and technological progress, in the end, we remain human. Likewise, the Catholic Church must remain loyal to the Catholic Faith.

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