Wednesday 29 August 2012

More on Abortion

To those who argue abortion is preferable to a poor childhood: I heartily disagree. It benefits a child nothing to be ended horribly in the mother's womb - least of all if the mother consents - for that child will have known violence and sin and will not have known love, just as if that child had been exposed to a violent and heartless environment. What must be done, is for adults to become responsible for their choices before Society. If a child results from those choices, then that child's parents must be made to take responsibility for their child and care for the child as best as possible. Failing that, Society's agents should take up that child and care for that child, with love, to enable a productive and righteous adult to surface. Killing the child will in no conceivable way make the world a better place, for the act itself corrupts the world.

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