Thursday, 15 July 2010

Argentina Legalised Same-Sex Marriages

Today Argentina legalised gay-marriages by a margin of 6 votes, in a move contrary to 200,000 protesters shouting against it on the streets of Buenos Aires.

The very next minute my anti-Catholic interlocutors started writing/calling to rub the issue in my face, which was an act I found regrettable and prejudiced. Funnily enough, my gay friends and acquaintances didn't. What does that tell you?

In all honesty I am tired of hearing the same fallacious arguments over and over again by people who aren't interested in listening to the reality of the situation and seek only to reinforce their own opinions. Even so, I'll have a go one last time:

1. First and foremost, the Catholic Church does not condone violent behaviour of any sort, nor does it condone prejudice of any kind. Regrettable historical moments notwithstanding, the Catholic Church remains universally open to take-in any who would like to be with us, and to live peacefully alongside any who would not.

2. Second, the Church’s official view toward homosexuality is that the ACT is condemnable, but the DRIVE isn’t. In any case, the homosexual himself/herself is seen as a person worthy of fraternal love and solidarity like any other person. We see the act of seeking the sexual partnership of the same sex as a sin, but the sinner deserves love and understanding.

3. Third, the Church does not impose this view by rule of force on any Government or State. It is the governments of some countries that have been imposing their rule on the Church, even when it is contrary to the Church’s legal right to think otherwise and to speak its mind on moral and religious issues. Furthermore, it is quite obvious to me that no one should be forced to accept and incorporate homosexuality just as no one should be forced not to accept it or incorporate it.

In other words, this should not be a legal matter at all, but a matter of individual choice, just as a person’s religion is a matter for individual choice.

Forcing the issue in the way it is being forced indicates to me that there is a political/socioeconomic agenda (emphases on the “economic” bit) behind the entire charade.

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