Monday, 22 February 2010

Climate Change is Real

I have to say it is rather tiring to continue to argue the broad strokes of the global warming phenomenon and Mankind’s part in it. It is quite evident that the phenomenon exists and any serious environmentalist, meteorologist and scientist will concede to that, at least.

Most reputable scientists will also agree that, albeit the phenomenon is rooted in a natural and cyclic event, it is also VERY likely that Man’s activities since the Industrial Revolution have contributed to exacerbate the natural phenomenon. What remains somewhat in discussion is the extent to which Man’s activities have aggravated the natural phenomenon.

There is no conspiracy behind global warming. If you stop to think about it, changing the energy matrix is actually an opportunity. Creating new ways to supply the world with energy will generate jobs in research & development, in industrial production of the new technologies, in civil engineering to implement them and change the infrastructure in your country and in running the new system. This is a GOOD thing. More so even in the face of a global economic crisis that DID NOT go away yet.

If you insist in thinking there is a conspiracy behind global warming, then try to think that it is far likelier and more logical to assume that the conspiracy is in denying Man’s part in the phenomenon. Why? Greed. Coal, Petrochemical, Plastics and Automotive industries stand to loose a lot of money (and a lot of power) with a change of technology. Loosing trillions in influence and power can be frightening indeed. Frightening enough for you to finance a campaign of disinformation and fallacy.

Now, to those of you who still pretend that we can all go on living with increasing levels of dependency on dwindling supplies of fossil fuels, as we have for the past 300 years, it is well past the time to wake up to the realities of the situation. We are witnessing changes to the environment far and wide in the globe. It will get worst. We must take charge of our destiny and momentarily forgo the luxuries to which we are accustomed. Let go of your car. Change.

If you do, Humanity will survive and we will find a way to re-establish all this comfort to which you’re accustomed. If you don’t, you’ll very likely live to the end of your days driving your V8 car around, in an ever changing climate. You may even be happy, but your kids may not. Think on it. Make the right choice.

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